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Handbook of Synagogue Architecture
Year: 2020 Publisher: Brown Judaic Studies

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Almost fifty years has passed since the publication of Marilyn J. Chiat



Expanding Fields of Architectural Discourse and Practice : curated works from the P.E.A.R. journal
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Year: 2020 Publisher: London : UCL Press,

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Expanding Fields of Architectural Discourse and Practice presents a selection of essays, architectural experiments, and works that explore the diversity within the fields of contemporary architectural practice and discourse. The book pays particular attention to the question of how and why architecture can and should manifest a critical and reflective capacity outside of its primary function; it also closely examines the ways the discipline currently resonates with contemporary art practice. It does so by reflecting on the first ten years of the architectural journal P.E.A.R ... The book features contributions by architectural practitioners, design researchers, artists, architectural theorists, historians, journalists, curators, and even a paleobiologist, all of whom contributed to the journal. Here, they provide a unique presentation of architectural discourse and practice that seeks to test new ground while forming distinct relationships to recent, and more longstanding, historical legacies.



I Balcani occidentali tra romanico e bizantino : Tradizione e sperimentazione nell'architettura serba della seconda metà del XII secolo
Year: 2020 Publisher: Florence, Italy : Firenze University Press,

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This volume focuses on the ecclesiastical architecture of 12th-century Nemaniad origins (Mother of God, Saint Nicholas and Saint George) by examining the layout preferences of the client and the workforce of diverse cultural backgrounds. The author discusses the monuments' construction techniques as a primary instrument for shaping space by taking into consideration the visual effects of the domed space of Romanesque architecture as diametrically opposed to architectural elements present in the Byzantine world. The analysis of the different construction phases of the churches considered is carried out based on archival documents, on a survey carried out in the field, and a reconstruction of their realities within a historical context. What emerges in this analysis is that a regional architecture's selection choices for construction should not be understood as an either-or scenario between Byzantium and the West, but rather as the result of a synthesis of different local architectural traditions that comes to fruition in Medieval Serbia.



Exploring the Architecture of Place in America’s Farmers Markets
Year: 2020 Publisher: University of Cincinnati Press

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Exploring the Architecture of Place in America's Farmers Markets explores the elusive architectural states of these beloved community-gathering places. From classic market buildings such as Findlay Market in Cincinnati, to open-air pavilions in Durham North Carolina and pop-up canopy markets in Staunton, Virginia, the country currently has over 8,700 seasonal and year-round farmers markets. Architect, teacher, and founder of the Friends of the Farmers Market, Katheryn Clarke Albright combines historically informed architectural observation with interview material and images drawn from conversations with farmers, vendors, market managers and shoppers. Using eight scales of interaction and interface, Albright presents in-depth case studies to demonstrate how architectural elements and spatial conditions foster social and economic exchange between vendors, shoppers, and the community at large. Albright looks ahead to an emerging typology—the mobile market—bringing local farmers and healthy foods to underserved neighborhoods. The impact farmers markets make on their local communities inspires place-making, improves the local economy, and preserves rural livelihoods. Developed organically and distinctively out of the space they occupy, these markets create and revitalize communities as rich as the produce they sell.



Mikro-Utopien der Architektur : Das utopische Moment architektonischer Minimaltechniken
Year: 2020 Publisher: [Place of publication not identified] : btranscript Verlag,

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Nachdem die Utopie mit dem Eintritt in die »Postmoderne« ab 1968 allmählich in Verruf geriet, zeigt sich in den gegenwärtigen kulturellen Diskursen ihre Rückkehr. Der Tief- und Wendepunkt dieser Entwicklung wird vom Zusammenbruch der kommunistischen Regime 1989/91 markiert. Sandra Meireis stellt für das architektonische Feld die zentrale Hypothese auf, dass sich eine Wiederkehr der Utopie in Form pluraler Mikro-Utopien beobachten lässt. Darüber hinaus zeigt sie auf, dass die Utopie als geschichtsphilosophisches Modell gesellschaftlichen Wandlungen unterliegt und mithin die spätmoderne Tendenz der kulturellen Partikularität reflektiert.



Ravenna and the Traditions of Late Antique and Early Byzantine Craftsmanship : Labour, Culture, and the Economy
Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter,

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In the last twenty years scholarship on late antique and early medieval Ravenna has resulted in a certain number of publications mainly focused on the fields of architecture, mosaics and archaeology. On the contrary, much less attention has been paid on labour - both manual and intellectual - as well as the structure of production and objects derived from manufacturing activities, despite the fact that Ravenna is the place which preserves the highest number of historical evidence among all centres of the late Roman Mediterranean. Its cultural heritage is vast and composite, ranging from papyri to inscriptions, from ivories to marbles, as well as luxury objects, pottery, and coins. Starting from concrete typologies of hand-manufactured goods existing in the Ravennate milieu, the book aims at exploring the multifaceted traditions of late antique and early Byzantine handicraft from the fourth to the eighth century AD. Its perspective is to pay attention more on patronage, social taste, acculturation, workers and the economic industry of production which supported the demand, circulation and distribution of artefacts, than on the artistic evaluation of the objects themselves.



1989, hors-champ de l'architecture officielle?: des petits mondes au Grand : Transmissions
Authors: ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: ( ) : École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Paris-Malaquais,

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Interroger les relations contemporaines entre architecture, culture et société, c'est questionner les conditions dans lesquelles s'exerce aujourd'hui l'architecture et en comprendre les fondements, les évolutions, les mutations. Le laboratoire Architecture, Culture et Société a décidé de mener un travail de recherche collectif auquel chacun de ses membres- permanents, associés, post-doctorants et doctorants – contribuerait selon ses orientations. Pour fédérer ce faisceau de regards, nous avons retenu un thème susceptible de recueillir leur diversité, une date-clé : 1989. Celle-ci fonctionne à la fois comme un prétexte et un repère, un espace de cristallisation de l'histoire, une sorte de point focal utile à notre archéologie du présent. En France, dans le domaine de l'architecture, les caméras se sont alors presque exclusivement concentrées sur un seul phénomène : les grands travaux présidentiels. Ces hauts faits, qui ont occupé le devant de la scène française, occultent une infinité d'« événements » moins identifiés et peu médiatisés ; pourtant, ces derniers informent, tout autant sinon plus, cette période de l'histoire et ses incidences sur le monde d'aujourd'hui.



Giovanni Klaus Koenig : Un fiorentino nel dibattito nazionale su architettura e design (1924-1989)
Year: 2020 Publisher: Florence : Firenze University Press,

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An architect and academic, Giovanni Klaus Koenig (1924-1989) was a designer of rail means of transport, passionate scholar of trains and trams, critic of contemporary architecture and an industrial design historian. As an intellectual he was committed to solving the problems of Florence, his city. All of this in years in which critical and operational attention to the present was uncommon, the discipline of design was still to be founded, the involvement of an architect with rolling stock companies was out of the ordinary. The text aims to piece together his figure mirrored with his city and the national context, thanks to the contribution of those who had him as an interlocutor and the scholars who worked on the beaten track of his research. The goal is not limited to render the complex of a culturally incisive personality, but to highlight areas still to be explored for current scholars, those "phosphorescent trails" that he left us as a legacy.



Understanding Chefchaouen : Traditional knowledge for a sustainable habitat
Year: 2020 Publisher: Firenze : Firenze University Press,

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The medina of Chefchaouen represents an architectural heritage of great value and its building culture constitutes a repertoire of knowledge to be safeguarded as an expression of cultural diversity in the relationship between society and nature. The volume presents the results of an in-depth research on the knowledge system that constitutes the local building culture of the medina, highlighting the characteristics of the construction systems, the risks to which the traditional heritage is subject, and its contribution to the development of a sustainable habitat. The book addresses the theme of the built heritage of the medina with an interdisciplinary approach, which includes architecture as part of a system that has to be studied along with the natural, social and cultural contexts.



Les synergies à l'œuvre pour faire recherche en architecture
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Clermont-Ferrand : Réseau PhilAU, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture,

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Etre à l’écoute, comprendre, partager, est un fil conducteur du Philotope, qui interroge ce qui a lieu. Le RST PhilAU a souhaité donner la parole aux doctorant.e.s, post-doctorant.e.s ou jeunes chercheur.e.s pour explorer les synergies à l'œuvre dans les dynamiques de recherche émergente en architecture, urbain, paysage, territoire, que ce soit en termes de discipline, d'interdiscipline, de rencontres, de méthodes, de terrains ou d'expérimentations. Ce numéro 14 du Philotope constitue le deuxième volet d'un triptyque du programme triennal du RST PhilAU sur la notion de “synergie”, après la journée d'études à la Cité de l'architecture « Synergic Design » en novembre 2017, et en amont du prochain colloque international du réseau en préparation à l'ENSA de Clermont-Ferrand. Ce nouveau numéro apporte une pierre à l’édifice épistémologique des processus de recherche en architecture. A cette étape de l’histoire du Philotope, s’imposait l’exigence de participer aux chantiers des questionnements et modalités portés par les chercheur.e.s et tout particulièrement des plus jeunes, contextualisant démarches, croisements, problématiques et interactions. Les textes réunis témoignent des interdépendances et intrications entre disciplines scientifiques et créatives… de ce que peuvent être l’aventure et le parcours d’une recherche, d’un doctorat, d’une publication. Alors, nous espérons que vous trouverez dans les écarts entre les manières de faire, les expériences et les terrains, l’émergence d’un paysage hybride et riche d’engagement pour la recherche architecturale. « Penser synergie », c'est penser les interactions et les processus en jeu, dont aucun confinement, aucune volonté séparatrice, mutilante, ne saurait en arrêter les réalités, les fertilités.

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